Wednesday, December 8, 2010


It started with this.

Cady: "Mom, is Santa going to die one day?"
Me: "Nope, he lives forever"
Cady: "What about God Obama?"

And last night as we passed the courthouse on the way to the zoo it was this.
Cady: "Is that the jail or God?"

and from that it evolved into this.
Cady: "Is Jesus still a baby?
Me: "No, he was a baby a long long time ago and then he grew up"
Cady: "Does he have his kids?"
Me: "Rob, did he? No, wait, never mind, of course he didn't"

Religion. I have my own beliefs and they do involve God. But I just don't buy into any one religion being the "right" religion. I believe, like I do with most things in life, that there is a grain of truth in everything. But clearly it is time to insert some spiritual teaching.


Derwinicus said...

I love your philosophy. And I think it's great that you're providing a basis for your kids. Oh, and yes you can become Catholic. :) DH converted to Catholicism (raised Anglican) for me. Dana

KK said...

I like your approach. I wish I knew more about all religions. What kind of church do you attend?

XLMIC said...

We have a similar belief system regarding spirituality as you seem to. We don't go to church but have a fair understanding of several religions and know where to go to get answers for questions we can't personally field.

We had a Cady-like experience the first time my kids saw a Nativity scene. Lots of questions that went in funny directions.

Unknown said...

We have these discussions ALL THE TIME. But my kids are 6 and 8. Last night my son started in on the idea of god being an artist who created the world. That evolved into some sort of mother universe thing. And then I found my daughter meditating on her bed. It's nuts around here.