Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oh Poop!!!

I'm just posting this, but I wrote it a couple of days ago, thus the old baseball reference:

This morning started out rough. I stayed up waaaaaay too late watching the Rockies sweep their way into the World Series. As a result, I didn't wake up as early as I usually do and had to kick it into high gear to get ready on time. Isn't it the case that anytime you are racing the clock, something unexpected happens?

Cady and I took a shower together as we do every morning and then I let her run around diaperless in her robe for a few minutes while I dried my hair. This morning though she came up to me and I thought she was saying poop. She had this brown stuff on her lips. I PRAY that it was not poop. I had also given her an old tube of lipstick where i had taken the lipstick out (brownish color) but if you put your finger in there you can get some remnants. And she was playing with it prior to this situation. I wiped her mouth and I swear that it didn't look poop brown. That's what I really hope anyhow. So, I hear her say "poop" again but wasn't quite sure so after wiping her mouth I think we are done. Then I smell something. I should mention at this point that not only am I potentially running late but this is the first day the entire school year that it is CRUCIAL that I be on time because I am facilitating a threat assessment on a student and will have ten professionals waiting on me if I'm late.
So, after she says poop the second time, I pull up her robe only to discover that it is caked with poop as she is. She has poop smeared from her back down to her ankles. Cleaning her up took a fair amount of time. When it's all smeared like that, it's quite a process.

After I cleaned her up she said, "poop" again and pulled me by the robe into the bedroom where there was a pile of poop. I mean a PILE. And I'm just not good with picking up poop. A dipaer is one thing but picking it up off the floor is another thing entirely. I immediately ran to find my magazine to find some of those subscription cards that magazines are usually full of. Can't find ANY! But I could find some semistiff perfume inserts that could do the trick. I do a little scoop trick and flush it down the toilet. Cady waves and says, "bye-bye see you" as she watches it go down. I can assure you that I will not be letting her run around diaperless anymore and more importantly I am going to continue believing that it was lipstick on her lips and around her mouth!!

Check her out in her ultra-cute robe!

And a bonus pick for Mimi who bought Cady this cute outfit!